NEW! Sacred Heart, Manly Has a New Website - We've not been able to celebrate Mass, BUT we have developed a new communication tool for our parish. Go to and visit our new site. It has some basic information. Know that our weekly bulletin is available here. There is also a button to access the latest parish news where there are printed materials and sometimes video news items. Check out the website, perhaps bookmark it on your device to make it easier to visit again! Your Help Needed for Our Website - Here's something fun to celebrate Easter! The weather is getting better. How about taking a quick porch picture of your family? If you take a picture on your phone or other device, simply email it to Jim at Be sure to include your family name and we'll take care of the rest. You'll find the pictures under the Welcome button on the website as soon as we can get them there. Fr. Josh, Chris and I have taken our photo because we want to be included too. Holy Week - Our celebrations of Palm Sunday and the Triduum will be very different this year. We cannot celebrate these publically, so we are relying on a livestream of these services. Fr. Josh and I are presiding at these events, so you will recognize your priests. The livestream is originating from Holy Family Church since it is not feasible to move the necessary equipment around. Join our livestream for Holy Week services: April 9, Holy Thursday Mass - 6:30 p.m. April 10, Good Friday Service - 5:30 p.m. (also a radio broadcast on KGLO 1300 AM) April 11, Holy Saturday Mass - 8 p.m. April 12, Easter Sunday Mass - 9 a.m. (also a radio broadcast on KGLO 1300 AM) These can be best reached either through the Epiphany webpage (for latest liturgy we’ve celebrated) or the Epiphany Parish Facebook page. To go to Facebook, click on the F at the top of our webpage. We will try to provide a link from our new website at Sacred Heart, but if it does not work (we are not wizzes at all this), you can access it through Epiphany parish. We are doing our best to provide a quality livestream. Give it a try!